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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

'A Peace of Art' on at Zimbabwe Germam Society

On the 11th of April, young artists will converge at The Zimbabwe German Society in the firstpart of the ‘A Peace of Art’ creative competition in Harare. The event will see young artists from around Harare coming together and showing various works of art that expresses their opinions and experiences with peace issues in Zimbabwe.

‘A Peace of Art’ is a call to young artists up to the age of 30 to participate, share and learn about peace through any artistic media including drawing, sculpture, paint, photography,dance, poetry, drama, song and film. The idea is to instil peace education in young people at the same time promoting artistic development in line with the many socio-political concerns that are present in Zimbabwe. The prizes are a reward in solidarity with the feeling that the arts must create income for artists like any other profession. 3 acts will walk away with various monetary prizes. Female artists are especially encouraged to participate.

Together with Zimbabwe Youth Organizations Network and the CIVIL PEACE SERVICE,the Zimbabwean German Society will provide a host of judges to adjudicate the entries and
award prizes. The winners will be presented during an exhibition at the ZGS on the 13th of April.

‘The idea is to support young upcoming artists and to give them a platform where they can present their works and create new networks for career development’, said Antoina Karle who assisting with the program.

This project is part of the many other development project going on at the Zimbabwe
German Society that include language training, acoustic nights, workshops and group

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